Roses are red, violets are blue! Everyone loves cakes, don’t you too? We are being poetic and quirky, which indicted that this space will include a collection of quotes or an anniversary message on cake. An anniversary is incomplete without cakes and cakes are incomplete without anniversary wishes or quotes. Don’t you agree? Getting the perfect and funny anniversary wishes on cake is the endgame and we are here to level up your game. Having a quirky cake with funny anniversary cake messages will make your partner or your loved ones feel cheerful and bring a rosy smile to their face. Whether you are presenting the cake to a couple or are surprising your better half with a special anniversary cake, we have come up with some funny anniversary cake messages that you can opt for. You can either get these wishes frosted on the top of the cake or can get it penned down on a card along with cake. Let’s get down to check out some funny anniversary wishes that will go great on cakes. Choose your favourite love-filled anniversary message on cake from the below recommendations.

  • We go together like “copy” and “paste.” Happy Anniversary Baby!
  • Now if I can just remember your birthday too! Happy Anniversary.
  • Love is like a war between two battling armies – easy to begin; but difficult to end. Happy Anniversary anyways!
  • In my house I’m the boss, my wife is just the decision-maker. Happy anniversary!
  • May you two fight less over this delicious cake. Happy anniversary!
  • Love makes the world go round. You two must be dizzy! Congrats to the happy couple!
  • Cupid must have a great sense of humor to match you two up. Happy Anniversary!
  • Two words come to mind when I think of your anniversary: “Odd Couple” – no, just kidding, “Perfect Pair”!
  • Unless you want to forget about your marriage, it’s a good idea to remember your anniversary.
  • I never knew what real happiness was until I got married; by then it was too late.

So, these were some of the best funny anniversary wishes or messages or quotes that will look cool on an anniversary cake. You can get these quotes or wishes written on a poster cake in a creative way.