In love with the idea of celebration, but craving and eyeing on cakes, then you and your love for cakes reckon of soulmates. This deep-rooted bond sees no restrictions and obstacles, heads straight out to fill that belly with scrumptious creamy cakes and it is simply adorable. Be a foodie or a moody; cake resolves both of these high-end demands. If you are a fan of cakes and can’t wait for occasions, then you should without further ado, trace the perfect home delivery cake shop, but if you have a sous chef inside of you, you might need something more than deliveries, liberty to experiment with your cake and cake icing and bless everyone with the taste of heavenly bliss on their lips. 

But it’s time to take this passion for cakes to the next level, and you know there’s one thing that makes your cake, the mouth-filling, creamy and flavour-licious treat that it is, cake icing , so here are a few formulas to prepare cake icing at home that is a must-try. There’s no turning back after this. 

  • Glace Icing, simple yet filling
    Glace Icing

Beginning the cake icing journey; the first stop is Glace icing, the least complex yet astoundingly delicious, this cake icing at home is a prior choice. Not much labour, this cake icing can be made at home with slight stirring and whisking only. Its attractive sheen and gloss are simply unexplainable. Runny when poured and thick and glowing when frozen, this icing is popular for decorating cookies and biscuits also. Level up the thunder by adding lemon, orange and coffee flavours to it as well. 

  • Buttercream icing for a soft texture
    Buttercream icing

Back by popular demand buttercream cake icing is famous for its soft and light texture and very fondly used in cake making. The simple magic regime behind making this is a combination of icing sugar and butter beaten together for a rich creamy and leathery fluff. Your job is not done unless you beautify your cake by evenly spreading this heavenly icing. Swirls, flowers and other shapes also help your homemade cake look more exotic.  

  • Royal icing, just like the name sounds
    Royal icing

This cake icing at home is listed as royal because of its easy to make the recipe and unforgettable taste. The deliciousness of this icing comes from its rich ingredients, egg white, lemon juice and icing sugar. To master this icing, whisk the egg white, right after it takes a snowy texture, put icing sugar followed by lemon juice. Remember to keep stirring it till it reaches its desired consistency and lures you into its creamy texture. 

  • Fondant icing and theme cakes
    Fondant icing and theme cakes

Just how the title suggests, fondant icing is a superb choice for theme-based cake making. Its specialty is its ability to mould into all possible and wanted shapes and sizes. Are you pondering the secret behind this long last cake icing at home? It just requires sugar, water and liquid glucose a.k.a cream of tartar. Boil these ingredients to make a syrup and wait till you attain the softball stage, post which you just knead it into a dough. Add tasty flavours to it and make the desired themes with a blink of an eye.

  • Cream Cheese icing, a fancy delight
    Cream Cheese icing

This inevitable cake icing is about to become your new favourite. Simply because of its low maintenance recipe and excellent taste of richness on your lips for which all you have to do is whisk cream cheese and icing sugar together. Returning a rather creamy and fluffy delight, this icing does more than a favour. Another perk of this icing is its decorative vibe, be it biscuits, muffins or cakes, all get froth and shine with this divine treat. One twist that makes it more charming replacing cream cheese with sour cream and there you have sour cream cheese icing. Always a charm!

  • Salted Caramel icing, chocolicious
    Salted Caramel Icing

A fan of Caramel, well you are no different than the rest of the cake lovers. Caramel is literally ‘the icing on the cake’. Now with the recipe of this exquisite cake icing, you have the answer to all your cravings. As delightful as it is, it is very delicate to make too. Begin with heating sugar and allow it to become caramel brown and without a pause, whisk it in butter along with some heavy cream. Remember to whisk it continuously, so it takes a heavy and creamy texture. There you have your flavourful Caramel all set. 

Drooling over these luxurious cake icing, and with such easy preparatory recipes, you can now enjoy them with no prior thought. Enrich your lives with these appetizing cake icing. 

Is it just a weekday? Then let’s make ourselves some cake.