Close your eyes and envision yourself strolling through the lively streets of Lucknow, where the air carries the tempting scent of sizzling kebabs and vibrant colours adorn every corner.

Picture yourself glancing around its bustling markets—people indulging in delightful dishes with their whole hearts—and feeling mesmerised by the culinary wonders it offers. Sounds fantastic, right? Well, that’s Lucknow for you!

Lucknow is an experience in itself that can’t be described in mere words, especially when it comes to its gastronomic offerings. It’s more than a city; it’s a journey through both history and flavors. Lucknow doesn’t merely serve food; it narrates tales with each dish. Here, every bite unfolds the legacy of spices and the richness of local ingredients. The culinary scene in Lucknow isn’t something you can casually overlook.

That’s why today, we embark on a quest to unveil the 14 best food places in Lucknow that promise to make your taste buds dance in 2024. So, join us on this flavourful expedition, where the food isn’t just a meal; it’s the soul of Lucknow waiting to be savoured.



Our first stop is the regal Oudhyana, a place where the aroma of Awadhi cuisine dances in the air. As you step into the ornate ambience of this place, prepare to be transported to an era where every bite carries the essence of culinary finesse. From the melt-in-your-mouth galouti kebabs to the fragrant biryanis, Oudhyana is where tradition meets indulgence. Their menu is a poetic saga of spices, and each dish tells a tale of Lucknawi culinary prowess. And rightly so, as you wouldn’t expect any less from one of the best restaurants in lucknow.

Falak Numa

Falak Numa

For a dining experience that reaches celestial heights, Falak Numa is the place to be. Nestled under the vast Lucknow sky, this restaurant is a haven for those seeking a blend of panoramic views and exquisite dishes. The menu, a constellation of diverse flavors, takes your taste buds on a cosmic journey. From mouth-watering kebabs to desserts that leave you starry-eyed, Falak Numa is where indulgence knows no bounds.



Enter Azrak, where innovation is the main course! This offbeat eatery is a playground for culinary experimentation, offering a twist to traditional Lucknawi fare. The dishes here are an artful blend of flavours and textures, inviting you to savour the unexpected. Their vibrant ambience perfectly complements the bold flavours of their dishes, making Azrak a culinary canvas that challenges and delights in every bite.

Tunday Kababi

Tunday Kababi

This blog about the best restaurants in lucknow is unfinished without the mention of this iconic place! And no journey through Lucknow’s culinary landscape is complete without a visit to the iconic Tunday Kababi. The fragrance of kebabs sizzling on the grill, the hustle of the kitchen, and the charm of the rustic setting—all contribute to the legend of Tunday Kababi. The melt-in-the-mouth galouti kebabs and the succulent kebab paratha are non-negotiables here, a testament to the restaurant’s unwavering commitment to tradition.



Nestled in the heart of Lucknow, Dastarkhwan exudes a welcoming charm that goes beyond the ordinary. The menu here is a celebration of the city’s culinary heritage, with each dish crafted to perfection. From the quintessential kebabs to the aromatic biryanis, Dastarkhwan is a gastronomic haven where every bite is a nostalgic journey.

Wahid Biryani

Wahid Biryani

Satisfy your biryani cravings at Wahid Biryani, where the delicious scent of fragrant rice and perfectly spiced meat will make you want to dive right in. Each forkful of their biryani is mesmerising, and a testament to the culinary prowess passed down through generations. Wahid Biryani is not just a restaurant; it’s a celebration of the art of biryani-making!

Urban Terrace

Urban Terrace

Elevate your dining experience at Urban Terrace, where the cityscape becomes a backdrop to your culinary adventure. This rooftop gem combines panoramic views with a diverse menu that caters to every palate. From lip-smacking appetisers to indulgent desserts, Urban Terrace is a symphony of flavors set against the skyline, creating a dining experience that is as delightful as it is picturesque.

Spice Caves

Spice Caves

Step into the enigmatic world of Spice Caves, where each dish is a treasure waiting to be uncovered. Their menu is a labyrinth of spices and aromas, promising a sensory journey that tantalises and surprises. From the fiery curries to the unique beverages, Spice Caves is a treasure trove of indulgences awaiting to be savoured. This place’s interiors, designed with meticulous detail, add an extra layer to the culinary adventure, making it a must-visit for those seeking not just a meal but an immersive dining experience.



For a rendezvous with culinary minimalism, L-14 is your destination. This cosy eatery focuses on quality over quantity, with a curated menu that showcases the essence of each dish. The intimate setting and attention to detail make L-14 a haven for those seeking a quiet escape into the world of nuanced flavours.

Vintage Machine

Vintage Machine

Transport yourself to a bygone era at Vintage Machine, where nostalgia meets gastronomy. Their retro ambience is a perfect setting for a menu that pays homage to timeless classics. From hearty breakfasts to indulgent desserts, Vintage Machine is a journey through evergreen flavours of several cuisines, where each dish is a nod to the culinary heritage that has stood the test of time.

Moti Mahal Restaurant

Moti Mahal Restaurant

Moti Mahal restaurant is where a delightful array of dishes from across India and the Continental world awaits. This exclusively vegetarian eatery boasts a warm and inviting atmosphere complemented by friendly staff always ready to assist. Moti Mahal has earned its popularity not only for its diverse selection of delectable cuisine but also for its reasonable prices, making it a favoured dining spot among Lucknow’s food enthusiasts.



For a taste of home-style comfort in the heart of Lucknow, Mubeen’s is the go-to spot. The menu here is a collection of Nawabi-style dishes that have stood the test of time and have become synonymous with the city itself. Each dish is a labour of love, inviting you to savour the authenticity of Lucknawi home-cooked delights.

Mint Lounge

Mint Lounge

Mint Lounge is more than just a restaurant; it’s a culinary oasis where flavors blend seamlessly with a cosy ambience. Renowned for its delightful menu and inviting atmosphere, Mint Lounge caters to diverse palates, offering a delectable journey through various cuisines.

Green Restaurant

Green Restaurant

Our culinary journey through Lucknow concludes at Green Restaurant, a place where freshness is the star of the show. The multi-cuisine menu here is a celebration of locally sourced ingredients, showcasing the vibrant flavours of Lucknow’s culinary landscape. From farm-to-table delights to refreshing beverages, Green Restaurant is a breath of fresh air in the bustling culinary scene.

There you have it—a gastronomic tour of Lucknow’s top 14 restaurants in 2024. The next time you find yourself in this city, be sure to savour the best delights these eateries have to offer. And why stop there? Explore Lucknow’s dessert scene too! Whether you choose to relish traditional sweets at a restaurant or opt for the convenience of online cake delivery straight to your hotel room, Lucknow will not disappoint you!

From modern conveniences like cake delivery in Lucknow to culinary adventures like hole-in-the-wall food places, this city will leave you in awe of its diversity. In the end, remember that you will have a great time in Lucknow whether you’re a seasoned foodie or a casual diner. So, grab your fork and embark on a journey through the city’s vibrant food scene—your taste buds will surely thank you.